domingo, 29 de junio de 2008


Ecosummer invites you to participate in our photo contest: a postcard of Mexico. Check out the rules. The dateline is already here: July 1sth.

- Only international students enrolled in the Ecosummer 2008 program are allowed to enter this contest.
- The concept of the contest is open for you to decide how a postcard of Mexico should look like. Be as creative as you wish, but you need to express your experience and impression of Mexico.


*In order to participate you must present from 3 to 5 digital pictures burned into a CD in JPG format, any doubts on format or size can be solved with Ivette or Reyes at the Primos office: room 4309, or at the e-mail:

*Label the CD with the following information: your name, title for the pictures (same as their file name) and email. Use clear handwriting.

* Winning images will be those that best reflect your time in Mexico: your personal view of this country. The decision of our judges will be definitive.

* Each CD MUST contain two kinds of pictures:
- The first one should represent what Mexico has become to you trough people and experience: It could be you and the people you met, or things you did during your stay in Mexico that are now important, new or fun to you.
- The second picture must be an image of what you love about Mexico, taken with and artistic style: scenery, traditions, culture, architecture, and any other thing that you feel represents this country the best.
You decide how many pictures you deliver from each group, as long there is a total of 3 to five.
It is your postcard, think how it should be.

*Photographs will not be returned to authors and could be used by the International Programs Department.

*If there are less than 6 contestants the competition will be called off, but the photographs will be shown at the end of the Ecosummer.

*CDs should be turned in at room 4309 with Ivette or Reyes. Due date is Tuesday 1st of July, until 6 PM.

*Prizes and diplomas will be given to the best three pictures.

miércoles, 25 de junio de 2008

Check here the NEW schedules for the short trips this saturday.


7:45 Meeting point en el Acceso Norte (Soriana)

8:00 Salida a Bernal

9:00 Llegada a Bernal

9:15 Tiempo Libre en Bernal

10:45 Meeting Point

11:00 Arribo a Tequisquipan

11:00 Tiempo libre en Tequisquiapan

14:45 Meeting Point en Tequisquiapan

15:00 Salida a Querétaro

16:00 Llegada a Querétaro

* Solo incluye transporte, NO INCLUYE COMIDAS.


8:45 Meeting point en el Acceso Norte (Soriana)

9:00 Salida a San Miguel de Allende

9:40 Llegada a San Miguel

9:40 Tiempo Libre

13:45 Meeting Point

14:00 Salida a Querétaro

14:40 Llegada a Querétaro

  • Solo incluye transporte, NO INCLUYE COMIDAS.

miércoles, 18 de junio de 2008


For those who are going to La Huasteca...special recomendations that you can not miss.

• Lleguen a tiempo a las 23:45 a la entrada del lado de Soriana.
Be on time at 23:45 at the entrance on the side of Soriana at the Tec.
· Si no llegan a tiempo no se les reembolsará su dinero.
If you do not arrive at time (departure hour), we won’t be able to reimburse your money.
• Sólo se permite una maleta por persona.
Only one backpack per person is allowed.
• Les recomendamos llevar una almohada pequeña para dormir más cómodamente en el autobús.
We suggest you bring a small pillow to travel more comfortably in the bus.
• Es importante que nos informen quiénes NO saben nadar.
Please tell us if you cannot swim.
• Lleven sandalias cerradas y dos pares de tenis preferiblemente.
Bring sandals, not flip flops, and preferably 2 pairs of tennis shoes.
• Traje de baño o short.
Bring your swim suit and/or swim shorts.
• Gorra y lentes de sol.
Hat and sun glasses.
• Bloqueador solar y repelente de insectos.
Sun screen and insect repellent.
• Toalla ligera.
Small towel.
• LLevar un impermeable ligero para protegerse de la posible lluvia.
Bring a light raincoat (plastic) to protect yourself from possible rain).
• Les sugerimos llevar tres cambios de ropa.
We suggest you bring three changes of clothes.
• No dejen su ropa húmeda en las instalaciones del camión.
Please don’t leave your wet clothing on the bus to dry.
• Les pedimos permanecer siempre con el grupo y ser puntuales en todos los puntos de reunión: desayunos, comidas, etc.
We ask that you remain with the group at all times and be punctual to the meeting points we have set: breakfasts, lunches, etc.)
• Recuerden que es un viaje largo, de más de seis horas.
Be prepared for a long trip, it may take more than 6 hours to arrive.
• Tengan mucho cuidado con sus cosas personales especialmente dinero y cámaras digitales. Be careful with your personal stuff and particularly with your money and digital cameras.
• Recuerden que pasaremos una noche en un hotel, lleven con ustedes todo lo necesario (medicamentos, cepillo de dientes, paste dental, etc.). Solo una mochila como equipaje.
Remember you are staying for one night at the hotel, bring whatever you may need (medications, toothpaste, toothbrush, etc.). Bring just a backpack for luggage
• Por favor no dejen basura en el autobús y solo usen el baño para emergencias.
Please don’t leave trash in the buses and use the bathroom (on the bus) only for emergencies.
• Eviten todo tipo de excesos.
Avoid all kind of excess.
• Lleven dinero para gastos personales.
Bring money for personal expenditures.
• No se les permitirá el acceso al autobús si se encuentran bajo la influencia de alguna sustancia.
You will not be able to get into the bus if you are under any influence of any substance (this also includes hangovers).
• No carguen con su pasaporte o documentos personales; pero lleva una copia.
Don’t bring passport or any other personal documents. Nonetheless carry a copy of them.
  • Bring your TEC ID and carry it with you at all times.

martes, 17 de junio de 2008


Comienza la tercera semana de clases...el boletín te informa todo sobre el Ecosummer 08. Chécalo!

lunes, 9 de junio de 2008


Toma uno en PI. Find out about everything in your Ecosummer Weeekly News.

jueves, 5 de junio de 2008



Bring tennis shoes and comfortable clothes (jeans & t-shirt) as we will bewalking for a while.

Bring your Tec ID card, it is really important.

Bring sun block and umbrella (weather is unpredictable), or at least a jacket.

Remember you are staying for one night at the hotel, bring whatever you may need (medications, toothpaste, toothbrush, etc).

Be careful with your personal stuff, particularly with money and digital cameras.

Bring, at least $400 pesos.

Please don’t leave trash in the buses and use the bathroom (on the bus) only for emergencies.

*Those going to the Huasteca: bring a swimsuit and towel. Also if possible 2 pair of tennis shoes or sandals, because you are going to get wet.

Don’t bring passport or any other personal documents. Nonetheless carry a copy of them.

We recommend that you spend your free time in groups.

Pack consciously, there's only room for one backpack per person.

You won't be able to get on the bus if you are under the influence of any substance (that includes people with hangovers). This ensures that everybody has a good trip.

Avoid all kinds of excess.


miércoles, 4 de junio de 2008


Tarde de Cine (movie day)

What?: El labertinto del Fauno, a film by Guillermo del Toro

When?: Jueves 12 de junio a las 6:00 pm

Where?: Room 4101

With what?: Popcorn =)

See u there.

Atte: Los primos.

martes, 3 de junio de 2008

Hasta ahora...So far...

¿Qué ha pasado desde tu llegada?

1. Aeropuerto

2. Día de Orientación y rally

3. Familias

4. Welcome party =)

lunes, 2 de junio de 2008